• GDG's Recommended Vendors •
Finding someone great at what they do for each element of your celebration is crucial... but equally important is finding people you'll actually enjoy working with!
We make a note any time a fellow vendor stands out as great, both professionally and personally! Check out our curated list below for awesome folks GDG vouches for in all different categories:
We make a note any time a fellow vendor stands out as great, both professionally and personally! Check out our curated list below for awesome folks GDG vouches for in all different categories:
• Planners/Coordinators •
FunkyTown Social Co.: www.funkytownsocialco.com / 682-556-4767 / Patricia Lambis
Treasured Heart Events: www.treasuredheartevents.com / 972-364-7373 / Emily Boren
Sydnee Celebrations: www.sydneecelebrations.com / 917-682-4230 / Sydnee Miller
FunkyTown Social Co.: www.funkytownsocialco.com / 682-556-4767 / Patricia Lambis
Treasured Heart Events: www.treasuredheartevents.com / 972-364-7373 / Emily Boren
Sydnee Celebrations: www.sydneecelebrations.com / 917-682-4230 / Sydnee Miller
• Officiants •
Loving Celebrations: www.loving-celebrations.net / 678-936-5235 / Rev. Chad Mustain
Weddings By Tina: www.weddingsbytinadfw.com / 817-300-9523 / Tina Long
Ignacio Cerda (bilingual): www.thebilingualofficiant.com / 214-624-9895 / Ignacio
Joined by Jasmyn (bilingual): www.joinedbyjasmyn.com / 972-801-7364 / Jasmyn Richardson
Love Notes: [email protected] / 806-786-7775 / Dr. Chris Sutton
Loving Celebrations: www.loving-celebrations.net / 678-936-5235 / Rev. Chad Mustain
Weddings By Tina: www.weddingsbytinadfw.com / 817-300-9523 / Tina Long
Ignacio Cerda (bilingual): www.thebilingualofficiant.com / 214-624-9895 / Ignacio
Joined by Jasmyn (bilingual): www.joinedbyjasmyn.com / 972-801-7364 / Jasmyn Richardson
Love Notes: [email protected] / 806-786-7775 / Dr. Chris Sutton
• Photography •
TinTin Wynn Photography & Films: www.tintinwynn.com / TinTin
Abby Pfaff Photography: www.abbypfaffphotography.com / Abby
Square 8 Studio: www.square8studio.com / [email protected] / Rob
Twinty Photography: www.twintyphotography.com / 214-404-1399 / April or Amy
Golden House Weddings: www.goldenhouseweddings.com / 337-281-6654 / Delayne
Silent Tea Studio: www.silentteaevent.com / 940-368-5356 / Jing
TA Visuals: www.tavisuals.co / 214-744-3388 / Tim
Convey Studios: www.conveystudios.com / 214-934-7305 / Sesha
Lexie Krug Photography: www.lexiekrugphotography.com / 937-344-7738 / Lexie
Jackie Marie Photo + Video: www.jackquelynbrown.com / Jackie
TinTin Wynn Photography & Films: www.tintinwynn.com / TinTin
Abby Pfaff Photography: www.abbypfaffphotography.com / Abby
Square 8 Studio: www.square8studio.com / [email protected] / Rob
Twinty Photography: www.twintyphotography.com / 214-404-1399 / April or Amy
Golden House Weddings: www.goldenhouseweddings.com / 337-281-6654 / Delayne
Silent Tea Studio: www.silentteaevent.com / 940-368-5356 / Jing
TA Visuals: www.tavisuals.co / 214-744-3388 / Tim
Convey Studios: www.conveystudios.com / 214-934-7305 / Sesha
Lexie Krug Photography: www.lexiekrugphotography.com / 937-344-7738 / Lexie
Jackie Marie Photo + Video: www.jackquelynbrown.com / Jackie
• Videography •
(some of these folks also do still photography)
Martin Weddings: www.martinweddings.co / 832-381-7441 / John & Elissa
C.S. Preston, Storyteller: www.csprestonphotography.com / 214-810-3808 / Chris
Cloud Craft Studios: www.cloudcraftstudios.com / 512-808-0345 / Dave & Sarah
Anthony Cinema: www.anthonycinema.com / 210-753-4588 / Anthony
Vaughn Pix Studios: / Vaughn Pix Videos / 214-458-4057 / Taylor
(some of these folks also do still photography)
Martin Weddings: www.martinweddings.co / 832-381-7441 / John & Elissa
C.S. Preston, Storyteller: www.csprestonphotography.com / 214-810-3808 / Chris
Cloud Craft Studios: www.cloudcraftstudios.com / 512-808-0345 / Dave & Sarah
Anthony Cinema: www.anthonycinema.com / 210-753-4588 / Anthony
Vaughn Pix Studios: / Vaughn Pix Videos / 214-458-4057 / Taylor
• Hair & Makeup •
Three Zero Six Salon: www.beauty306.com / 817-952-9550 / Candace
Ahimsa Artistry: www.ahimsaartistry.com / 214-870-7757 / Randi or Tai
A. Marie Makeup Artistry: www.amariemakeupartistry.com / 951-729-9099 / Amanda
Three Zero Six Salon: www.beauty306.com / 817-952-9550 / Candace
Ahimsa Artistry: www.ahimsaartistry.com / 214-870-7757 / Randi or Tai
A. Marie Makeup Artistry: www.amariemakeupartistry.com / 951-729-9099 / Amanda
• Florals •
The Floral Eclectic: www.thefloraleclectic.com / 817-676-4325 / Taylor
Lake Worth Florist: www.lakeworthfloristtx.com / 817-237-3317 / Shelly
Andy's Floral Events: www.andysfloralevents.com / 940-591-9632 / Andy
Forsythia Florals (Austin-based): www.forsythiaflorals.com / 512-554-1396 / Amy
The Floral Eclectic: www.thefloraleclectic.com / 817-676-4325 / Taylor
Lake Worth Florist: www.lakeworthfloristtx.com / 817-237-3317 / Shelly
Andy's Floral Events: www.andysfloralevents.com / 940-591-9632 / Andy
Forsythia Florals (Austin-based): www.forsythiaflorals.com / 512-554-1396 / Amy
• Invitations •
Stacey Hu Illustration: www.staceyhustudio.etsy.com / Stacey
Percolator Letterpress (Invites, etc.): www.percolatorpress.com / 512-633-8153 / Alisa & Jeff
Pink Champagne Designs (Invites, etc.): www.pinkchampagnedesigns.com / Emily
Adela Chavez Calligraphy & Design: www.adelachavez.com / 817-907-3151 / Adela
Stacey Hu Illustration: www.staceyhustudio.etsy.com / Stacey
Percolator Letterpress (Invites, etc.): www.percolatorpress.com / 512-633-8153 / Alisa & Jeff
Pink Champagne Designs (Invites, etc.): www.pinkchampagnedesigns.com / Emily
Adela Chavez Calligraphy & Design: www.adelachavez.com / 817-907-3151 / Adela
• Decor & Rentals •
Royal Event Rentals: www.royaleventrentalsdfw.com / 817-609-4070 / Allison
Simply Elegant Events: www.simplyelegantwed.com / 817-656-2933 / Stacy
Taylor's Rentals: www.taylors.rentals / 817-332-5258 / John
Aladdin Rentals & Events: www.aladdinrentals.com / 817-282-3902 / Wendy
Satin Pavement (Signage/Styling/Gifting): www.satinpavement.com / Onikeh & Brandon
Bubbles & Marquee Events (Balloons/Marquee Letters): www.bubblesandmarquee.com / Emily
Marshall Mike (LED Dance Floor): [email protected] / 940-230-9903 / Miguel
Royal Event Rentals: www.royaleventrentalsdfw.com / 817-609-4070 / Allison
Simply Elegant Events: www.simplyelegantwed.com / 817-656-2933 / Stacy
Taylor's Rentals: www.taylors.rentals / 817-332-5258 / John
Aladdin Rentals & Events: www.aladdinrentals.com / 817-282-3902 / Wendy
Satin Pavement (Signage/Styling/Gifting): www.satinpavement.com / Onikeh & Brandon
Bubbles & Marquee Events (Balloons/Marquee Letters): www.bubblesandmarquee.com / Emily
Marshall Mike (LED Dance Floor): [email protected] / 940-230-9903 / Miguel
• Transportation & Valet •
DFW Vintage Cars: www.dfwvintagecars.com / 817-880-4700
Fantom Coach: www.myclassicgetaway.com
Elite Valet Services: www.elitevaletinc.com / 972-247-7073 / Natalie
DFW Vintage Cars: www.dfwvintagecars.com / 817-880-4700
Fantom Coach: www.myclassicgetaway.com
Elite Valet Services: www.elitevaletinc.com / 972-247-7073 / Natalie
• Catering •
360 Catering & Events: www.360cateringandevents.com / 817-714-8996 / Cody
Vestals Catering: www.vestalscatering.com / 972-803-3806 / Alex, Aubrey, or Jourdan
D Caterers: www.dcaterersoftexas.com / 817-456-4742 / Scott & Sandy
Heaven's Manna Cajun Catering: [email protected] / 214-270-7787 / Melanie
Aspen Catering: www.aspencatering.com / 972-401-4777
360 Catering & Events: www.360cateringandevents.com / 817-714-8996 / Cody
Vestals Catering: www.vestalscatering.com / 972-803-3806 / Alex, Aubrey, or Jourdan
D Caterers: www.dcaterersoftexas.com / 817-456-4742 / Scott & Sandy
Heaven's Manna Cajun Catering: [email protected] / 214-270-7787 / Melanie
Aspen Catering: www.aspencatering.com / 972-401-4777
• Cakes & Desserts •
Pasteles y Mas: www.pastelesymas.com / Jenny
All That Jazz Cakery: www.allthatjazzcakery.com / Jazmine
Irene's Bakery: www.irenesbakery.net / 214-458-6714 / Irene
Cake-aholics: www.cake-aholics.com / 817-980-4542 / Matthew
Uncle Willie's Pies: www.unclewilliespies.com / 972-576-5582 / Cicily
Morgan's Ice Cream Co.: www.morgansicecreamco.com / 817-615-9999 / Stephanie
Pasteles y Mas: www.pastelesymas.com / Jenny
All That Jazz Cakery: www.allthatjazzcakery.com / Jazmine
Irene's Bakery: www.irenesbakery.net / 214-458-6714 / Irene
Cake-aholics: www.cake-aholics.com / 817-980-4542 / Matthew
Uncle Willie's Pies: www.unclewilliespies.com / 972-576-5582 / Cicily
Morgan's Ice Cream Co.: www.morgansicecreamco.com / 817-615-9999 / Stephanie
• Specialty Drinks •
Southern Pour: www.southernpourtx.com / 972-413-8202 / Tiffany & Sal
The Sagebrush Cantina: www.instagram.com/thesagebrushcantina / 817-578-9908 / Darby
Boozy Bar: www.boozybardallas.com / 214-233-6980 / Jordan & Taylor
Rose 32 Coffee & Mocktails: www.rose32coffee.com / 682-816-9242 / Stacey
Lone Star Drafts: www.lonestardrafts.com / 469-708-9375 / Jenn & Alex
The Rose Coffee Cart: www.therosecoffeecart.com / 817-528-9759 / Noor
Porch Swing Iced Tea: www.porchswingicedtea.com / 214-315-6788 / Brett
Dallas Mixologist: www.dallas-mixologist.com / 214-263-6303 / Kristen
Southern Pour: www.southernpourtx.com / 972-413-8202 / Tiffany & Sal
The Sagebrush Cantina: www.instagram.com/thesagebrushcantina / 817-578-9908 / Darby
Boozy Bar: www.boozybardallas.com / 214-233-6980 / Jordan & Taylor
Rose 32 Coffee & Mocktails: www.rose32coffee.com / 682-816-9242 / Stacey
Lone Star Drafts: www.lonestardrafts.com / 469-708-9375 / Jenn & Alex
The Rose Coffee Cart: www.therosecoffeecart.com / 817-528-9759 / Noor
Porch Swing Iced Tea: www.porchswingicedtea.com / 214-315-6788 / Brett
Dallas Mixologist: www.dallas-mixologist.com / 214-263-6303 / Kristen
• Live Musicians •
North Texas Music Company (String Quartet): www.northtexasmusiccompany.com / 214-444-9869
Andrew Sullivan (Acoustic Musician): www.andrewsullivanmusic.com / 832-443-4113
Jon Jonez (Clarinet/Saxaphone): www.jonjonez.com / 214-502-7747
Elevation Party Band: www.elevationpartyband.com / 972-416-2019
Miriam Morales (Pianist): www.musicwithmiriam.com / 469-688-8479
Mariachi Rosas Divinas: www.mariachirosasdivinas.com / 972-825-7125
Mariachi de Oro: www.elmariachideoro.com / 817-891-3147 or 817-454-1087
Harpistry (Austin-Based Harpist): www.instagram.com/harpistrytx / 254-218-9730 / Sarah
JM Entertainment (Austin-Based Pianist/Singer): www.jmentertainmentatx.com / 615-330-0346 / Jeremy
North Texas Music Company (String Quartet): www.northtexasmusiccompany.com / 214-444-9869
Andrew Sullivan (Acoustic Musician): www.andrewsullivanmusic.com / 832-443-4113
Jon Jonez (Clarinet/Saxaphone): www.jonjonez.com / 214-502-7747
Elevation Party Band: www.elevationpartyband.com / 972-416-2019
Miriam Morales (Pianist): www.musicwithmiriam.com / 469-688-8479
Mariachi Rosas Divinas: www.mariachirosasdivinas.com / 972-825-7125
Mariachi de Oro: www.elmariachideoro.com / 817-891-3147 or 817-454-1087
Harpistry (Austin-Based Harpist): www.instagram.com/harpistrytx / 254-218-9730 / Sarah
JM Entertainment (Austin-Based Pianist/Singer): www.jmentertainmentatx.com / 615-330-0346 / Jeremy
• Misc. Artists & Entertainers •
Victoria's Visuals (Live Event Painter): www.victoriasvisuals.com / 512-584-6695 / Victoria
Brian Masters (Magician): www.brianmagic.com / 206-383-9260
Isidro Arte (Caricature Artist): www.instagram.com/isidroarte
Nailah Noor (Belly Dancer): / www.instagram.com/nailah.noor.dance / 214-498-1402
Hannah Aaron (Live Event Painter): www.hannahaaronstudio.com / 972-765-5048
Cherry's Casino: www.cherryscasinoparties.com / 469-230-2936 / Clayton
Victoria's Visuals (Live Event Painter): www.victoriasvisuals.com / 512-584-6695 / Victoria
Brian Masters (Magician): www.brianmagic.com / 206-383-9260
Isidro Arte (Caricature Artist): www.instagram.com/isidroarte
Nailah Noor (Belly Dancer): / www.instagram.com/nailah.noor.dance / 214-498-1402
Hannah Aaron (Live Event Painter): www.hannahaaronstudio.com / 972-765-5048
Cherry's Casino: www.cherryscasinoparties.com / 469-230-2936 / Clayton